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Classic Charlotte Architecture

Eastover Neighborhood
It’s easy to look around these days and see cranes and construction sites, homes being demolished and new trends arising.
But there’s something about an older home…
The grounded feeling of time standing still, maturity and wisdom in the landscaping and character that only gets sweeter with time.
Don’t get me wrong, progress is imperative. But I think the speed of progress can impair future generations from understanding parts of history and appreciating the past. I hope this blog infuses a sense of appreciation for the classic treasures we have surrounding us today.
Myers Park Neighborhood
Dilworth Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Myers Park Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood
Eastover Neighborhood

Classic Charlotte Architecture

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